Your Small Business Requires the Most Qualified Employees


The small business owner is faced with a number of difficult decisions; one of the most difficult as well as the most critical is whether or not to hire someone. As much as a business person needs to evaluate potential employees based on their skills and qualifications, he or she also needs to verify the background and personal information supplied by applicants.

There is somewhat of a dilemma in this regard concerning the timing of background checks. The hiring process itself consists of three levels of screening:001

1. An applicant applies and is determined to be at least potentially qualified, and is invited to an interview;

2. The interview takes place, and the applicant is or is not added to the final list of candidates; and

3. A job offer is made to the most qualified applicant(s).

The question, given that the resources of the small business are limited, is when to start background checks and which checks to have performed. Since background checks cost money, it makes sense to only perform them on candidates who have passed initial screening. It is also cost-effective to perform those checks in a certain order: from general for the initial screening phase to more specific for final candidates.

The small business owner may also want to perform background checks on existing employees. This procedure should probably involve different kinds of checks than those run on prospective new hires. The extent to which such checks are performed depends both on budgetary constraints and which information is most important. Of course, the safest method is to perform comprehensive background checks on all employees; the cost from doing incomplete background checks could be considerable. A good analogy to only doing partial background checks would be buying only the minimum amount of fire or liability insurance.

The purpose of this paper, then, is to give the small business owner an overview of how background checks function and what they can and cannot accomplish, in order to assist him or her to make the best buying decisions for his or her business. The range of background checking products is an extensive one, the laws regarding background checks are often complex, and the types of information that are the most valuable vary from business to business.

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